Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The new world of HD

Just recently I bought a new 37” 1080p HD television, because I needed a TV for my bedroom. This is one of the best purchases I have ever made. I never was as large television watcher as I primarily just watch sporting events or play video games. So when Verizon FIOS sent my HD box over to the apartment I was moderately excited to see how the TV would look, and now I can’t stop watching fabulous HDTV. I will watch anything as long as it is in HD, and I mean anything. I still would rather watch sports or play video games, but I am comfortable with giving the remote to my girlfriend to watch anything she wants, the only requirement is that it has to be in HD so I can have something else to concentrate on rather than the crappy show we are watching. The images are clear and crisp; it is like watching TV for the first time (lame, but true). I can honestly say that buying this TV was the best purchase I have made in a long time (aside from anything that came from Cupertino :))


  1. The Real Housewives of New York did look excellent in HD!

  2. those women are crazy! i kinda want to be one of them.
