Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Weekend Equation

(Saturday)(Sleep)/(Sunday Night)(Monday) = The weekend is too short

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Walking while Reading

Walking + Reading = Really Pissed off People Behind You

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The new world of HD

Just recently I bought a new 37” 1080p HD television, because I needed a TV for my bedroom. This is one of the best purchases I have ever made. I never was as large television watcher as I primarily just watch sporting events or play video games. So when Verizon FIOS sent my HD box over to the apartment I was moderately excited to see how the TV would look, and now I can’t stop watching fabulous HDTV. I will watch anything as long as it is in HD, and I mean anything. I still would rather watch sports or play video games, but I am comfortable with giving the remote to my girlfriend to watch anything she wants, the only requirement is that it has to be in HD so I can have something else to concentrate on rather than the crappy show we are watching. The images are clear and crisp; it is like watching TV for the first time (lame, but true). I can honestly say that buying this TV was the best purchase I have made in a long time (aside from anything that came from Cupertino :))

Seariously; do you need to chew so loudly?!

OK, I understand the need to chew and there is nothing wrong with it, except when you sit next to me and just by the smacking of your lips I can tell your eating a wedge salad with extra bacon bits and you substituted the blue cheese dressing with the house vinaigrette (this is a exaggeration but I think you know where I am going). Today on the my T ride into work a man was sitting across from me enjoying what else but a Dunkin Donuts bagel with cream cheese and large coffee. He was chewing so loudly I was going out of my mind, he was chewing louder than my iPhone would go. Is it necessary to chew with your mouth open? Does it make your food taste better? If you know the answer please leave them in the comments I have to know why people do it. However, through this blog I would like to encourage chewing with your mouth closed, and dont eat anything around me unless there is a Polka band playing in the background.

(P.S. I'd like to thank my roommate for chewing his tangerine in a annoying fashion so I could have a picture)

Thank you Baseball

Its that time of year again, America's past time, that's right it is baseball season. Spring is finally here (forget that damn groundhog), and I know this because spring training has started. Some say Spring training is a waste, and I partially agree, but I do enjoy watching baseball and spring means I no longer have to watch crappy shows with my girlfriend (the real housewives of New York City). That is what winter does to me, it makes me watch crappy t.v. that I don't particularly want to watch but I do it because there is no baseball. There is no Dustin Pedroia turning a double play web gem, or Kevin Youkilis getting hit by a pitch for the 700th time in the same game. No yankee fans to banter with. I will say that I like Derek Jeter, and it is too bad he has to play for the Yankees. So for the end of this blog post I would like to say thank you Spring and most importantly thank you baseball. Go Sox your wicked freaking awesome (its a boston thing)